It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair...
- A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
These Dickensian words still resonate in our times with an uncanny dimension. We feel their presence all around. We see things turn more difficult for us to acknowledge. Everyone simply takes things so casually that the real values of life get lost. Don't they hurt us? Yes, they do. They hurt those who firmly believe in true values of life - or to be more precise - those who never do compromise anything unjust.
Yes, we are the educationists, or more broadly to say, the teachers, who never compromise duplicity or anything double-standard. We, at Brilliance, always work hard to get unique in our approach moving far away from the spiel of a corporate house that just attempts to sell a certain product with a goal to gain only.
The word 'gain' for us is something different. Our 'gain' is the innocent smiles of the younger lot who learn here how to succeed in life - not being an achiever but being a complete human being; because education, frankly speaking, is not a product or a saleable item. It can only be acquired at the expense of an intricate teaching skill. A learner can always be at ease if this is done properly by someone who has a flair for dispensing with this novel idea of teaching. And we, the members of faculty at Brilliance, constantly try to uphold this principle time and again to nurture these young minds lest they get wilted by any move, which perhaps, has become so banal with people elsewhere.
Our efforts have been bearing fruits ever since we vowed to avail ourselves of a new avenue far from the conventional method of teaching, that, otherwise, constricts the overall growth-pattern of a learner. We, at Brilliance, stop short of sermonising the methods a teacher must wield to fetch brownie-points but we rather formulate a simple strategy of letting a learner express his or her expectations at the beginning; and the rest eventually gets as easy as apple-pie for a teacher to propel growth.
No more mumbo-jumbos my dear; if 'seeing is believing' stands the chance of being an effective maxim, then just drop in to put its veracity to test and experience the claim we so proudly fan out as our sui generis.
Bye then, until we meet.
With warm regards,