

CAT 2023: Introduction

Common Admission Test or CAT is a national test conducted in India for admissions to different IIMs and other top management colleges. The examination is conducted by one of the IIMs every year.

The test is conducted across the country in almost 156 cities and used by 20 IIMs and several other reputed colleges like S.P. Jain, FMS, MDI, etc., for admission to their MBA programs. The suitability of prospective admission seekers for MBA education is assessed through this examination.

CAT 2023: Notification

The notification for CAT 2023 registration will be released in August. Stay updated about exam notifications, dates, and other essential information by visiting the official website.

Here are some of the tentative dates of CAT 2023.

Exam Dates



Notification Release Date of CAT Exam 2023

4th week of July 2023

Registration of CAT 2023

1st week of August 2023

Last date to fill out the Online Application form

2nd week of September 2023

Last date to submit the fees for the Application Form

2nd week of September 2023

Beginning of Application Correction for CAT 2023

3rd week of September 2023

Admit Card availability for CAT 2023

4th week of October 2023

Date Of Examination of CAT 2023

4th week of November 2023

Answer Key Release Date

1st week of December 2023

Last date to submit an objection

2nd week of December 2023

CAT 2023 Announcement of Results

1st week of January 2024


CAT 2023: Overview

Below is the important highlights of CAT 2023:



Name of the Exam

CAT 2023

Official Website

Exam Conducting Authority

Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs)

Mode of the exam

Computer-Based Mode (CBT)

Duration of the CAT Exam

2 Hours (120 Minutes)

Duration (Section-wise)

40 Minutes for (VARC, DILR, QA).


Each section -53 Minutes 20 Seconds for PwD candidates.

Session (Slot-wise)

  • Morning Session - 8:30 am - 10:30 pm
  • Afternoon Session - 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm
  • Evening Session - 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm

No. of Questions

66 Questions

Total marks

198 marks


CAT 2023: Eligibility Criteria

The complex criteria for appearing in CAT have become less rigorous than before due to the recent changes caused by the pandemic. The aspirants must go through CAT eligibility criteria to avoid any last-minute hustle. Eligibility Criteria of CAT 2023 in different aspects are given below:


  • Candidates with a bachelor's degree from a recognised institution in any field are eligible for the CAT exam.
  • The final year students of graduation are also eligible for CAT 2023.
  • The minimum percentage criteria (45% and 50% for Gen. and reserved categories, respectively) were removed from CAT eligibility.

Age Limit

There are no age limits for CAT Exam.


There are no specifications about work experience in the CAT eligibility criteria. There are no limitations in the case of experience. Therefore both the freshers and experienced candidates can take the exam. However, some of the B-schools do consider work experience during admission.

No. of Attempts

There is no limit on attempting the CAT exam. You can appear as many times as you want.



Reserved Seats

Schedule Cast (SC)


Schedule Tribe (ST)


Other Backward Classes (NC-OBC)


PWD(Persons with Disability)



CAT 2023: Registration

Students must visit the official website to register and fill out the application form. Aspirants need to know the steps to follow while filling out the application form. The stepwise process for CAT registration is mentioned below:

Registration Process

Candidates must generate a User ID and Password on the official website. It is done in the following way:

  • Click on the “Register” link and register as a new candidate.
  • Then, you need to enter your details, including Name, Contact Number, Email, DOB etc. and then click on the “Submit” to generate a User ID and Password.
  • The newly generated User ID and Password will be sent to the contact details provided at the time of registration.

Eligible Degrees


Approval Authority

Engineering Degree – B. Tech/ B.E.


Bachelor’s Degree from any University

UGC Approved

Bachelor’s Degree from any University

UGC Approved

Students pursuing the final year of their Bachelor’s degree can also take the examination.


CA/CS/ICWA/Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries of India (FIAI)


Filling the Application Form

Students must log in using the User ID and Password received at the time of registration. After that, students need to fill in the below-mentioned details in the CAT 2023 application form.

  • The aspirants need to fill in the personal details in the application form. It includes DOB, Gender, category, nationality, address, contact details, etc.
  • After this, academic details are to be provided by the students. The academic details include class 10th marks, class 12th marks, qualifying degree scores, etc.
  • Candidates need to fill in the work experience details (optional).
  • Candidates also need to choose the course preferences, the institute they wish to apply for and the city for the interview.
  • Then, the candidate must choose six exam cities per their preference and convenience.
  • Make online payment after filling in all the details in the application form.

Students must upload the documents mentioned below after filling out the application form:

  • Class 10th, 12th Marksheets
  • Bachelor’s degree/diploma and higher education.
  • Work experience certificate, if applicable.
  • Scanned images of passport size photo and signature are required. (The photo should have a white background and should not be 6 months old).
  • Applicable Certificates are required to be uploaded.
  • Fee payment instruments to pay CAT exam fee – Debit/Credit cards, Net banking, etc.
  • Scanned image of passport size photo and the scanned image of the signature. Both the files should be in .jpg or .jpeg format, and the file size should not be more than 80 K.B. each. The image needs to be clear with a minimum resolution of 150px.

Document Specifications






Dimension: 30 mm X 45 mm

.jpg or .jpeg

<= 80 Kb


Dimension: 80 mm X 35 mm

.jpg or .jpeg

<= 80 Kb

NC-OBC/SC/ST Certificate

Self-attested Scanned Copy


<=200 Kb

PwD/DA Certificate

Self-attested Scanned Copy


<=200 Kb

Registration Fees

The CAT Registration fee is Rs. 2200/- (for the general category) and Rs. 1100 (for SC, ST and PwD candidates), including the CAT Registration Fees and the IIM application fees. After this payment, you do not have to pay any additional amount for applying to the other 20 IIMs.Aspirants can make payments via online mode only.

CAT 2023: Admit Card

Normally, the admit card is released in the fourth week of October. CAT admit card is available on the official website and can be downloaded from there. Information regarding your exam centre’s address, reporting time, exam timing, google map link to locate the centre, and other requisite exam day instructions are displayed. A print of the admit card is needed to present at the exam centre. Follow the steps below to download the CAT admit card:

  • Log in with your CAT User ID and Password at the official website.
  • Click on the ‘Download CAT Admit Card’ link. The link will display your hall; you can download and take a printout. Save its soft copy for reference.
  • The admit card is mandatory to be carried to the test centre on exam day.
CAT 2023: Answer Key

Almost a week after CAT 2023 exam, its answer key and the candidate's response sheet will be revealed on the official website. Follow the steps to access the CAT answer key from the official website:

  • Log in with your user ID and password at, the official CAT website.
  • Look at the ‘Announcements’ with the ‘Important Dates’ section on the home page.
  • Then select CAT Response Key 2023 from the menu.
  • Go to the PDF link provided and open it.
  • You will get the answer key here.
  • Click on the 'CAT 2023 answer key' and choose to 'download'.

The objection window for the CAT answer key is open until four days after the release. An online form must be filled out to report discrepancies or errors. The form is present on the official site. Upload the required document/s to support your objection and pay the stated fee.

CAT 2023: Result

Generally, the CAT result is announced in the first week of January. The scorecard can be downloaded from the official CAT site. Check out the below steps to download your CAT 2023 result:

  • On the official website, you will see a 'CAT scorecard/result' tab.
  • Provide your related CAT application number and password.
  • Choose the 'scorecard' section and download your CAT score report.